Obscurity Messenger
Private, Secure, Peer-to-Peer

Unlimited free messaging to anywhere in the world.
Private and secure from your device to your friends.
Available for Android 6+.

Hand holding phone

No phone number or user account required. Only you know who you're talking to.

Crossed out eye

End-to-end encryption prevents anyone from reading your messages.

Chat Bubbles

Sends your messages directly to your friend's device over the Tor® Network*.


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Private Contacts/Messages

Your messages and contacts are securely stored on your device, giving you control of your privacy.

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Express Yourself Freely

With emojis, GIFs, pictures and more. With no character limit you can say what you want, how you want. Because no one likes being told how to text.

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Chat With Multiple Friends

Stay connected to family, friends, and co-workers by making sure everyone is in the loop about what's going on.

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Securely Share Your Contact Info

Just by sending your friend a picture. Need more info? Check our FAQ page for a walkthrough.

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Block people you don't like (Don't worry they'll never know you blocked them). Unblock people at any time (Whenever you decide you like them again).

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Auto Delete Old Messages

Customize it for each conversation or set it globally and forget about it. Because no one likes clutter.

Our Mission Statement

At Eternal Vigil Software we believe that everyone has a right to privacy and that by protecting our right to privacy we protect our other rights and freedoms.

Download Today

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*Obscurity Messenger is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with the Tor Project.

Tor® is a registered trademark of the Tor Project.